The structure of Nordic society was unique in Europe during the Viking Age. 

In this mini course historian Terri Barnes will share how and why that mattered.

Course opens on October 1, 2024. 

Buy now to take advantage of special early bird pricing of just $19.95!

Included in this course

  • Recorded video presentation by instructor

  • Primary and secondary source readings

  • Additional podcast and video media

Meet Your Instructor

Terri Barnes

Terri Barnes is a medievalist historian from Portland, Oregon, who has been teaching for 20 years. Her primary area of historical research and teaching is medieval Northern Europe, with particular emphasis on the history of the Nordic world during the Viking Age. She is History faculty at Portland State University and Portland Community College. History is her passion, and she counts herself fortunate to have a career where she can share it with people every day through the classroom, public speaking events, and social media. She has a popular podcast, Vikingology: The Art and Science of the Viking Age, where she and her cohost interview top scholars about all things Viking, and she can also be found on her YouTube channel Shieldmaiden in the Kitchen where she combines her love of food, cooking, and history. When she’s not working she can be found traveling to historic places – usually somewhere Vikings went – or going for a run.