Course curriculum - this self-paced course will be released by January 1st

    1. The Crusader States in the Second Half of the 12th century

    1. Video - The Third Crusade: Sources

    2. Saladin's Spin Doctors

    1. The Third Crusade: Studies

    1. The Third Crusade: Richard I, Saladin and Medieavalism

About this course

  • $39.95

What you will learn

Think of this course as a librarian going through with you the books and articles you will need to begin your research on the Third Crusade. Each of the video lectures describes these sources and how you can access them.

  • Gives a background on the rise of Saladin and the establishment of the Ayyubid state

  • Goes through the many primary sources detailing the Battle of Hattin and the events of the Third Crusade

  • How Saladin, Richard I and other major players have been depicted in mass media

The cost of this course is 39.95 USD


Peter Konieczny

Peter Konieczny is the editor of and was previously the editor of Medieval Warfare magazine. He is a specialist in medieval warfare.

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